Take a Walk
Kids learn best by doing. While we want to keep them safe, as kids get older, the opportunity to practice some of the rules we've taught them can be critical to raising a street-smart child. Allow them appropriate freedoms based on their age and maturity. Try parking a block from school instead of dropping them right at the door each day, and encourage them to walk slightly ahead of you for a stretch. Watch them cross a corner or crosswalk in front of you noting what they do and how they approach it. It empowers them and provides a chance for them to practice under our watchful eye.
- eatsavvy
- July 4, 2016
Hot Potato, Hot Potato
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- June 15, 2016
Spring Break: Activities in Calgary
- gear
- February 13, 2017
Gear for the Great Outdoors
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- April 26, 2016