The List: 24 Things You Should Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Pedialyte Freezer Pops
Being drained of fluids is a serious matter. Keep liquids like this on hand in the freezer (or in bottle form) when they need to be nourished and replenished. -
Maglite LED
Seeing is believing, but that can be hard if the space you are looking into is owned and operated by an unwilling infant or toddler. Shine some light on the problem (ear, nose, throat)—literally—with a small flashlight. -
Essential Medications, Ointments and Devices
The worst part about those surprise sicknesses? That midnight run to the pharmacy that's made even worse with the onset of decision paralysis. So many products…how does one choose? Start with this list of 24 Things You Should Have in Your Medicine Cabinet. Stock up and be prepared. Trust us. -
Marly Skin Guard
For aggravating sores, cuts and diaper rashes that won't heal, this new Belgium-based foam-dispensed solution is dermatologically tested and proven to seal in moisture so skin can heal. -
Anointment Baby Balm
Your list of baby needs runs from A to Z, but you can lose the last one (‘Z' as in zinc-based balms) with this award-winning natural formula that helps dry, irritated skin. (And keeps your cuticles smooth too!) -
Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator
If you're a sucker (get it?) for anything that will relieve your babe's discomfort, it doesn't get better than this nasal aspirator. -
Benadryl® Children's Liquid
Your kids may be lucky enough not to suffer from allergies but chances are one of their friends (or yours), will. Be prepared to deliver the relief should someone have a reaction. -
Bach Rescue Remedy Drops
Mary Poppins may not be available, but on the days when everyone seems a little off, another English export might (occasionally) come to your aid. Try some drops of this popular natural soother on tantrum-prone, stressed-out kids (and adults) and see how quickly the storm passes. -
Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer
While we await the revolution of meal-making-kitchen-cleaning-laundry-folding robotics, let's applaud the technology that introduced infra-red thermometers allowing us to scan foreheads to determine if they have a fever, without all that poking and prodding. -
Neosporin Antibiotic Ointment
Keep it clean and sterile, and avoid an even bigger calamity. For cuts, scrapes and small injuries where the skin is broken, gently wipe in some ointment to keep out infection while you wipe off their tears. -
Infants' Tylenol Drops
Feeling hot and bothered during your single days: good. Feeling hot and bothered any other time: not. Especially for babes and toddlers. If doctor approved, be prepared with acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra) and, recommended for 6 months or older, ibuprofen. -
3M Nexcare Tattoo Waterproof Bandages
The upside of a boo-boo is a Band Aid. Kids know this. The downside of a Band Aid? Getting it wet and having it fall off again and again. And again. Stick to waterproof bandages that really adhere and also help heal. -
Carlson Cod Liver Oil
You know how to give your kids a little boost: extra hugs, special cuddles. If only that worked on their immunity, too. Leave that to lemon-flavoured Cod Liver Oil (in liquid or gel formula) and give them a solid all-natural dose of vitamin A, vitamin D3, EPA and DHA. -
Natural Bath Salts
Rubber ducks are fine friends, but the must-have bath accessory for families facing tired, sore and stressed bodies is a dose of all-natural bath salts which can help detoxify and enhance bodily functions. (Not recommended for children under 6.) -
Boiron Arnica Gel
For active types—like your kids—who suffer the side effects of muscle pains, bumps and bruises, try an age-appropriate dose of this all-natural homeopathic solution. -
Tweezerman Splinter Tweezer
You may lack a nursing degree but sharp pronged tweezers can help you fake confidence when you need to remove splinters and other substances that were never intended to enter anyone's skin. -
Boiron Oscillococcinum
Whether this popular homeopathic cold and flu remedy actually works and is effective has been debated for years, but parents who use it swear by it. It's up to you, but when facing the flu, oscillococcinum may be just the friend you're looking for. -
Sambucol Black Elderberry Extract
Flavanoids, antioxidants, free radicals, anthocyanins. They may not mean much to most of us, but they have to do with the purported effectiveness of elderberry extract, known for helping to stimulate the immune system during cough, cold and flu season. -
Renew Life Flora Bear
Things we are for: partners who wake up when the baby cries and probiotics. These chewable tables will help keep kids' intestinal health intact, meaning fewer days on sick bay for you. -
SinuCleanse Neti Pot
What goes around comes around, which is why using this age old technique for clearing stuffiness is the safest and most effective chemical-free way of clearing the way for sinus, cold and allergy sufferers. -
Rubbing Alcohol
Some things you don't share with others: toothbrushes, your debit card PIN, your husband. Add to this list the rectal baby thermometer. Regardless, after every use of it (and tweezers and nail clippers), it's best to sterilize. -
It's hard to find a fault with it. Made up of just four (pronounceable!) ingredients, effective and well-priced, it seems petroleum jelly has finally met its match. You might even say it's the bee's knees. (We owe some part of this salve to them, anyway.) -
Canada Badger Organic Chest Rub
You'll all sleep easier knowing that what you administered to help their cough and/or cold was all natural. This salve helps to promote deep breathing, relaxation and a restful night (for everyone). -
Midnight wake up. Check. Unhappy child. Check. Late night pharmacy run. Check. Bought package without syringe. %$#%! Best to have a back up plan. Ask for extra syringes and/or small sip cups with measured amounts the next time you are at the pharmacy to keep a few on hand. -
Pediatri Vite Liquid
Next to you, this may be the hardest working multitasker around. A natural, cherry-flavoured liquid with optimum vitamin and mineral ratios that kids will actually take, without fussing about the taste. -
Pedialyte Freezer Pops
Being drained of fluids is a serious matter. Keep liquids like this on hand in the freezer (or in bottle form) when they need to be nourished and replenished. -
Maglite LED
Seeing is believing, but that can be hard if the space you are looking into is owned and operated by an unwilling infant or toddler. Shine some light on the problem (ear, nose, throat)—literally—with a small flashlight. -
Essential Medications, Ointments and Devices
The worst part about those surprise sicknesses? That midnight run to the pharmacy that's made even worse with the onset of decision paralysis. So many products…how does one choose? Start with this list of 24 Things You Should Have in Your Medicine Cabinet. Stock up and be prepared. Trust us. -
Marly Skin Guard
For aggravating sores, cuts and diaper rashes that won't heal, this new Belgium-based foam-dispensed solution is dermatologically tested and proven to seal in moisture so skin can heal.