Green Planet Parties
Green Planet Parties was started by two eco-friendly Vancouver moms who saw lots of waste around them and set their minds to providing families with sustainable gift ideas and party supplies at competitive prices. Their online business now specializes in eco-friendly, locally produced gifts, biodegradable tableware, reusable decorations and green loot bags. Much of their merchandise is nature inspired, like their Wildlife Pencil Crayons, and offers a great opportunity to teach the next generation about being good to our planet.
- gear
- May 24, 2016
12 Picky Eater Hacks
- gear
- June 14, 2016
19 Glorious Gluten-Free Recipes
- gear
- March 26, 2012
The Skinny on 6 Snack Picks
- eatsavvy
- July 7, 2016
One Potato, Sweet Potato
- shopping
- June 16, 2016