City Categories: Attractions

Things to Do in March in Vancouver - SavvyMom

Family Fun Things to Do in March in Vancouver

Soon the cherry blossoms will transform our city with their beauty, so get out there and explore what else March in Vancouver has to offer.

Fun Things to Do in March in Calgary - SavvyMom

Family Friendly Things to Do in March in Calgary

Looking to get out to enjoy what’s left of the snow, or stay in where it’s warm? Check out our list of fun things to do and events taking place in March in Calgary.

Things to Do in Ottawa in March with Kids - SavvyMom

Fun Things to Do in March in Ottawa with Kids

March in Ottawa is an event filled month with happenings all across the city coupled with March Break and Sugar Shack season!

Things to do in March in Toronto with Kids - SavvyMom

Fun Things to Do in March in Toronto with Kids

Wondering how you are going to entertain your kid for March Break, or the rest of March in Toronto? We have the answers!

The Best Tobogganing Hills in Toronto - SavvyMom

The Best Tobogganing Hills in Toronto

These spots are deemed safe by the City. However, these tobogganing hills in Toronto aren’t groomed or maintained. Helmets are encouraged but not mandatory.

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Calgary - SavvyMom

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Calgary

Most escape rooms in Calgary have options filled with puzzles and clues around rotating themes including holidays and TV shows plus escape scenarios.

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Ottawa & the Capital Region - SavvyMom

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Ottawa & the Capital Region

Check out these kid-friendly escape rooms in Ottawa & the Capital Region for a family outing, PD day fun, birthday party, or to just get out of the house!

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Vancouver & the Lower Mainland - SavvyMom

Kid-Friendly Escape Rooms in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland

There are several kid-friendly escape rooms in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, all with a range of themes.

Toronto Escape Rooms for Kids & Families - SavvyMom

Toronto Escape Rooms for Kids & Families

We roundup some family-friendly GTA and Toronto escape rooms that will challenge your family to (usually) solve a mystery in 60 minutes or less.

Valentine's Day in Calgary - SavvyMom

Sweet Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Calgary

Ready to make plans but don’t know where to start? Check out our list of sweet activities to try for Valentine’s Day in Calgary!