This Calgary Storage Company Will Pick Up & Deliver Your Stuff

YYC Storage

While we enjoy the milder weather spring brings, we have mixed feelings about the prospect of spring cleaning (nice in theory…until you actually have to do it). Getting organized, however, is something we can get behind—especially when it’s time to put away the skis and get out the bikes. It’s never fun going into the bowels of our basement or garage, but there’s a company here in Calgary that will take away the hassle. YYC Storage provides cloud-like storage solutions for people who lack the space.

This self-storage company is refreshingly modern and convenient with free pick-ups and same day service. With just a few clicks, storage bins are ordered online and dropped on your doorstep (or business). In a rush? YYC Storage can provide same day pick-up and drop-off to their storage facility. They handle everything except the packing.

This Calgary Storage Company Will Pick Up and Deliver Your Stuff

Items are stored locally, where they’re properly labeled and kept safely and securely. To retrieve your bin, simply login in to your ‘online closet’ and click which bin you want retrieved. And viola, within 24 hours, it’ll be delivered right to your front door.

This service is ideal for families in a tight space and needing to store large seasonal sporting equipment, such as golf clubs, kayaks or skis. And then there’s those of us who aren’t sure when or if we’ll have a new addition to the family. Cribs, strollers, car seats, you name it, all those large, bulky baby items can be put away in a 50 lb storage box for $4.99/month. Larger items (like Christmas trees) cost $9.99 per item per month to store.

Consider it Dropbox for your physical items. And consider yourself relieved of spring sorting duty.


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