Is Work from Car the New Work from Home?

Work from Car Office - SavvyMom

As parents have been looking for quiet, private spaces to work from home during the pandemic, work from car has become the only way to achieve that with kids underfoot at home. But with vehicles becoming more personalized and packed with some of the freshest and most innovative technologies — what better place to take that conference call than from the comfort and quiet of your vehicle?

To understand just how many people are turning to their cars for these quiet moments to work, and leveraging technology to up their work from car experience, Maru/Blue Canada Inc. surveyed Canadians to learn more.

And the results are in:

  • Over half of Canadians (58%) are using their vehicle when they need a quiet space outside the home.
  • More than a quarter of Canadians have used their vehicle as a temporary quiet office space to take a meeting or better focus when what’s going on at home home causes distractions.
  • To make Work from Car simple and seamless, Wi-Fi is the most desired feature, with over half (58%) of Canadians saying it’s a must, and half (50%) saying a quiet cabin is a close second.
  • To make working from their vehicle feel seamless, more than half of Canadians are looking for features like a silent cabin for conference calls and high speed Wi-Fi capabilities.

Now, I’ve been Work from Car since before it was trendy — needing a quiet space to conduct interviews for stories, and have some calm moments to bang out a few hundred words while the kids are tantruming up a storm.

If you’re looking to make your Work from Car experience smoother, there are some things that can help.

Gear & Gadgets to make
Work from Car easier


First thing’s first. You’ll need a connected device to take your office out to the car with you. Many companies provide their own tech, but some people have their own devices as well. Ensure you have a secure Wi-Fi connection set up to help prevent hackers from accessing your data.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

No matter how high-end your vehicle, your cabin won’t be completely soundproof. However, if you want to completely block out ambient sounds, a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones is a must. You can find versions to suit your preferences, including those that are in-ear earbud style, or over-the-head.

In-Car Wi-Fi

Many manufacturers, such as Buick, Chevrolet, and GMC offer in-car Wi-Fi for a small monthly fee, but this makes it super convenient to connect and get some work in while you’re out and about. If you’re simply in the driveway at home, you can more than likely connect to your home’s Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi Range Extender

If you’re connecting to your home’s Wi-Fi during Work from Car and want to ensure a solid, steady connection, a Wi-Fi range extender or booster can ensure you’re getting the best possible connection from your modem or router.

Power Block

Be sure your devices are charged up before you head to work from your car. While some devices have car chargers available, you can also use a high capacity power block to keep everything charged up. Otherwise, investing in a power inverter for your vehicle is another smart solution to keep you online all day long.

Sun Shade

There’s nothing more annoying during Work from Car than the glare of the sun on your screen, which makes investing in a sun shade a smart decision. Not only does it help reduce the glare, which can hurt your eyes, it can help keep the temperature within the vehicle from getting unbearably hot.

USB-Powered Fan

If you’d rather not run your vehicle’s AC all day long, using up fuel and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, a portable USB fan can help keep you feeling cool and comfortable while working from your car.

Lap Desk

Because space in a car is limited, and seating is a bit different than when you’re at a desk, you’ll want to ensure good posture and that you have enough space to work. A lap desk can help. It will help keep your laptop up off your lap, and give you a flat, stable surface to work from.

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