What’s for Lunch?

SavvyMom April 12, 2016

Everyone at Savvy HQ is really into food. Obsessed, you might say. Some of us are trying to be healthy, some are trying to diet (ahem), and others can’t stop eating the chocolate that is always in the kitchen (ahem, ahem). But when you look around the office, it’s like the Olympics of food here…dishes from all over the world are being enjoyed and shared among all of us. Every day the question gets asked with serious concern: “What are you having for lunch today?”
Robyn Burnett, our Assistant Editor, who always wins the Most Exotic Recipe Award, brought in an Ethiopian dish (who knew?) called Shalan Foul (pronounced ‘ful’). It’s made with mashed fava beans, chopped onion and berbere spice (which has quite a kick). Topped with chopped tomatoes, sour cream and avocado, it looked like this and made for a hearty and healthy lunch:

Robyn's Shalan FoulDenise Smith, our resident foodie and EatSavvy Editor, was busy testing out recipes at lunchtime for next month’s edition of EatSavvy. She was enjoying a beautiful French-inspired soup that I’m pretty sure you’ll be reading about soon so I can’t tell you all the details. But I can tell you that you’ll love it. (Hint: it’s delicious and nutritious.)

Myra Thompson was hard at work at her desk in the sales department enjoying a classic Italian fave—a Pizza Pizza veggie slice. She’s so Euro…

Leslie McCormick can usually be found eating Thai food on the days she’s too tired to bring in her lunch. She loves the spring rolls and wonton soup, which always smell delicious.

Sarah and I went across the street to enjoy Japanese at our local fave, Fukui Sushi, where we often host lunch meetings. And since we are like an old married couple, we’ve reached the point where we order the same thing on the menu. We chose the rainbow roll with a bowl of edamame to start.

What’s your favourite international cuisine when lunch rolls around? I’d love to know.

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