What We’re Talking About This Week: Jan 6, 2016


Eating healthy-ish, a simple way to get more sleep, and the most-read articles of the year from our SavvyStorytellers. That’s what caught our attention this week.

Let’s Be Healthy-ish
Our food editor Jan wants us to eat more cake. We feel strongly that we should listen to her. But really, her anti-resolutiony new eating philosophy to eat healthy-ish, aka eat healthy most of the time, with occasional treats, sounds right on the money. You can read more about her rather refreshing philosophy here.

how to fall asleep

The #1 Trick to Falling Asleep
Tossing and turning with to-do lists running through your head? This week, we read about a simple life hack for tuning off your brain and drifting off to sleep. It’s so simple, we had to share.

olaf hat free printable

SavvyStories: The Best of the Year
From showing us how to create quick protein-packed breakfasts and on-the-go snack solutions, to getting fitted for the right bra and crafting the most adorable Frozen hat for preschoolers, our Storytellers were busy in 2015! Here were the most-read articles of 2015.

  1. East Coast Mommy created the cutest printable for all the Frozen fans out there.
  2. Lindsay from RecipeGeek came up with a quick, easy and protein-packed breakfast families loved.
  3. Erika from The Linden Life shared one of her most challenging days as working parent.
  4. Sweet Potato Chronicles showed that some of the best on-the-go snacks can be prepared well in advance.
  5. Rebecca from Playground Confidential shared the tales from her second-ever fitting, 24 years after her first, and vowed to never, ever guess her bra size again.

Have a great week!


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