Shape Your Year

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

It seems to be everywhere: January resolution time. Get in shape and start off the year right, especially in this city which must have more full-time professional athletes per capita than any other in Canada. Everywhere you look, you see them—rowers, cyclists, triathletes—everyone is working out.
With small kids or babies, it sometimes feels impossible to carve out some exercise time for yourself. Fortunately, there are several boot camps in Victoria that offer outdoor programs in a group environment, and we find that exercising with others who share the pain is much easier than doing so on your own.

Body Dynamics Headquarters offers a variety of boot camp classes all over Victoria. Owner Michele Shorter is a mom herself and an inspiration to all. They even offer a Baby Boot Camp, where you can work-out right up to giving birth and when you are ready to return, come back for a stroller baby class. Body Dynamics has a class for you no matter what stage you are at.

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