Waves and Raves

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Is life a mountain or a beach? Fortunately, us Vancouver moms don’t need to choose, but we do need to choose which beach to visit when the heat is on (life is a chore, we know).
Picking a favourite beach in this city is like asking a six year old to pick just one piece of Halloween candy out of his bag. The question is downright unfair, but we managed to choose two spots that are off the usual bikini strut and will keep the kids amused for hours.

The beach at Cates Park in North Vancouver is nestled in Deep Cove. Cates Park is still close to the city, but feels wonderfully removed from it all and makes a good beach destination for a number of reasons. First, it has the basics covered: free parking, a washroom, a concession stand, a huge playground, large grass areas for running around and mature deciduous trees that offer a cool, quiet spot for meltdown prevention. Cates Park is ideal for beachcombing at low tide. While you enjoy the vistas of Indian Arm, your little ones can chase crabs or watch for starfish in the tidal pools. Rock skippers will relish in the abundance of perfect rocks. Unlike so many Vancouver beaches, Cates Park isn’t too sea weedy and the surf is gentle. Beach aside, the park features stroller-friendly wooded trails that lead to the remnants of the old Dollarton Mill, a perfect spot for exploring. The totem poles, an old battle canoe, the boat launch and kayakers will distract even you from the big heat.

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