Stirring It Up

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Feeling like you’re in a family food rut? We’ve found a few fun ways to help you ‘stir’ things up on the culinary front.
If cutting down on fast food and getting the kids more involved is a priority, then call on Dizzy Whisk Chef Hilit Nurick for a helping hand.

She’ll come to your home armed with aprons (big and small) and a raft of healthy, delicious recipes. This savvy mom of three will not only teach you and your little ones to whisk and chop, she’ll help instill in them the joy of eating good (real) food.

And yes, she will get even the pickiest of palates to try new vegetables. We saw one class making corn muffins and leek soup with nary a complaint. She calls it the “group effect”—we call it a miracle!

Nurick teaches kids at several community centres and brings the at-home birthday parties to you—complete with cookie dough loot bags—for ages seven and up.

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