Playing Footsie

SavvyMom December 21, 2016

Summer feet. It’s a curse. Just when we want our tip-toes to look tip-top, our dry, cracked heels are more reminiscent of the Mojave Desert—thanks to the bare feet and sandals we’ve been sporting since June.
No time for weekly spa treatments, we know. That’s why we have been testing out the latest feet-treats to find out how to get that salon feel at a price that’s a deal.

Cream of the Crop
It’s bedtime. Your work is done and you’re ready to crash. But first, give your legs and feet a tingle with the Body Shop’s Peppermint Cooling Foot Rescue Treatment, a clay-based formula mixed with peppermint oil. After massaging it into your calves and feet, users are instructed to “put up your feet and relax for ten minutes”. (That’s worth the $18 sticker price right there!) After you’ve rinsed it off with warm water, you’ll definitely feel a minty sensation—like your feet have just brushed their teeth.

Follow up with some Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Foot Cream, available at drugstores for about $7.99. Touted by many as the best, moms who have used it for a long time say it can’t be beat for keeping feet soft and sandal-ready. Smear it on and don some fleecy socks overnight for maximum effect.

Soak It to Me
Here’s a budget-friendly treat that’s just made for tired moms. If you’re wandering around Whistler or shopping at Park Royal South, stop into My Foot for a 15-minute, $15 foot bath that will put the spring back in your step.

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