Nutty for Nature

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Tired of your kids enjoying nature on a screen? Make sure they love the landscape as much as the laptop and get outside. When you’re lucky enough as we are to be surrounded by wildlife and nature, you need to make sure it’s appreciated.
Here are two great places to start.

Stanley Park Ecology Society is the place to go to get your kids off the beaten track at the city’s biggest (and arguably best) park. It’s fun and easy to enjoy with an informative guide and stroller-friendly paths.

Try a Sunday morning Discovery Walk where heron colonies and beaver lodges are just two of the fascinating places you’ll explore. These walks, and many of the society’s programs, start at the one-of-a-kind Nature House on Lost Lagoon where the little ones will want to spend some time (especially if there’s liquid sunshine) enjoying hands-on activities and local wildlife exhibits.

Nature-loving kids five and up can also join the Young Naturalists’ Club for activities like bee-keeping and pond-dipping. Parents accompany the kids and can extend the fun with a trip to the nearby Third Beach playground after.

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