Nature Calls

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

It’s halfway through August and the flyers are all about school supplies. But have you really had your fill of the great outdoors yet?
We thought not. So this week SavvyMom is reminding you that it’s not too late to heed the call of the wild. Here are some tips that will help you pull off a quick and easy family adventure before the September crush begins.

  • Settle on a spot. There are still some reserveable spots at local provincial park camp grounds, and there are also first-come-first-served spaces for early birds. Check out family-friendly locations such as Rolley Lake (great playground in the forest) and Porteau Cove (you can’t beat the seashore for entertainment value).
  • If you don’t want to pay for gas, sleep al fresco under the stars in your backyard or on a sundeck—your kids will love it, and so will you.
  • Keep it simple. Eat tinned beans with bread and butter and hot dogs from a stick. Clean out your cupboards from home; we’ve found that back-of-the-shelf food that never seems to get touched takes on new appeal when you’re around a picnic table. If you’re looking for a wider range of fun and tasty camp food, we recommend The Scout’s Outdoor Cookbook (FalconGuides, 2008)—especially Pickaxe Pete’s Cowboy Coffee for those early mornings!

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