Natural Nurturing

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

What offers a healthy dose of fresh air, a dash of science, some animal adventures and a day of fun? Nature, of course. But you don’t have to deep dive into a camping excursion. Rather, keep the spirit of adventure alive this month with some day trips. They’ll help nurture your child’s love of the outdoors as well as offering summer fun.
A visit to North Vancouver’s Capilano River Hatchery gives you a front-row seat at one of Mother Nature’s most amazing shows.

You’ll see the heroic Coho swimming furiously upstream to their birthplace in both the river and the hatchery’s glass observation gallery where they literally climb the staircase of water. The Chinook will be returning from their marathon journey in early October. While there, you can also check out the rearing ponds where thousands of salmon fry spend their first years of life.

Take a short stroll along the Coho Loop trail where the old growth cedars and sheer walls of the canyon will draw oohs and aahs from your kiddie crowd.

If you’ve packed a lunch, there are picnic tables and restrooms available. The hatchery is open from 8 am to 7 pm and (another bonus) admission and parking are free.

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