Island Adventure

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Spring has definitely sprung in the Lower Mainland, but if you feel like your family is not quite in full bloom yet, this savvy getaway guide to Victoria is sure to put a spring in your step.
Reservations Recommended
Where to sleep usually tops the list. Our reco is the Royal Scot, an older, more traditional hotel between downtown and James Bay. The rooms are basic, but this hotel is conveniently located, reasonably priced and has kitchenettes. For those who want to forgo the convenience of a kitchen for a more modern finish, the Oswego is a great alternative.

Be sure to make ferry reservations, so you won’t be spending needless hours in a cramped vehicle waiting for your ship to come in.

Ecology is Entertainment
A fun first stop on any Victoria adventure with kids is the Bug Zoo. This small, but incredibly unique experience, will give your kids a chance to see, touch and learn about some of the most exotic and ugliest creatures on the planet. Definitely take a free guided tour and learn lots of fun and interesting bug facts (it’s the only way to touch the critters if you are so inclined).

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