Helping Hands

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Let’s face it, family life can be frenzied when both parents work. When Mom is working from home, it can be even more so (read: conference calls with dogs barking and kids fighting in the background). It’s time you learned about Budding Children’s Garden & Daycare.
It’s a place where your three to five year-old can enjoy playing and learning (just like at preschool) but with a flexible schedule to suit your needs. That’s the ‘occasional care’ concept behind Budding Children’s Garden & Daycare.

Savvy owners Talia and Lawrence Erickson know first-hand the challenges of being self-employed with an active preschooler (two-and-a-half year-old Hunter is their inspiration), so they try to make it simple. You sign up for a block of between 20 to 40 hours a month, then book your time using their on-line calendar (even the day before is okay). We love the convenient location (on Broadway, between Oak and Cambie) and hours (10 am–7 pm).
Good to know:The centre isn’t open yet but you can submit an application form on-line and attend the Open House on September 21.

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