Physical Power Hour

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

SavvyMoms know that exercise is good for kids’€”essential even. And yet statistics indicate that only 12% of children are getting the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
Inspired to make a sustainable difference, and armed with the knowledge that it takes 60 days to form a new habit, Vancouver entrepreneur Matt Young, founder of Innovative Fitness, has teamed up with Telus to present the 60 Minute Kids’€™ Club program.

Borrowing from the proven Innovative Fitness model of ‘€˜Challenge ‘€“ Adversity ‘€“ Victory’€™, the 60 Minutes Kids’€™ Club has put out a challenge to find the most active school in the country and the most active kids in participating schools.

For 60 days, participants track their progress on a user-friendly dashboard that awards points for nutrition, hydration, limiting screen time, positive thinking, eating breakfast, reading, getting enough sleep, as well as for achieving 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

Program updates are emailed biweekly to keep participants connected to the challenge and encouraging a little friendly competition. Victory comes with top secret grand prizes for the most active schools and individuals, but we think that making these healthy habits into the new ‘€˜norm’€™ for these children is the real prize.

Get your child, your class or your school involved at

It’€™s definitely a good ‘€˜fit’€™ for kids. Tested by Nancy C., Vancouver

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