Two-Ingredient Sorbet for Summer

Jan Scott November 3, 2016

Frozen fruit is definitely one of the workhorses of my kitchen, and I’€™m never without a bag of summer berries, cubed mango, pitted cherries, sliced bananas, and a tropical fruit blend tucked inside a basket in the freezer portion of my fridge. Don’€™t get me wrong: I adore fresh fruit as much as the next person, but when it’€™s not in season (read: expensive and flavourless) or difficult to access, frozen is the next best thing as far as I’€™m concerned.

While I usually turn these frosty bits of fruit into smoothies or some form of baked good, lately I’€™ve taken to making a simple sorbet by blending the fruit with just a touch of water until it’€™s thick and smooth, and similar in texture to soft ice cream. This ‘€˜sorbet’€™ is ridiculously healthy, so I feel good eating it and offering unlimited scoops to the kids, who are officially convinced this is something we should be eating all summer.

When I started experimenting, my favourite variation was blended cherries with a tablespoon of chopped dark chocolate scattered over top. I’€™ve also made mango with toasted coconut, banana with chopped walnuts and blueberries with a smattering of shaved white chocolate. It tastes like a treat made specifically for the season, without the guilt that usually accompanies indulging in a daily ice cream.

There is no real recipe for this: simply blend your fruit in a high-powdered blender or food processor and add just enough water (if needed) to create something that is the consistency of soft ice cream. Garnish with your topping of choice and serve immediately. If you find that in order to blend the fruit you need to add so much water that the fruit looks soupy, just pop it into the freezer until it firms up, then scoop into bowls.

What is your favourite frozen healthy treat these days?

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