Toronto: The Savvy Guide to March

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

You just can’t count on March for anything. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it snows. It’s not always winter but it’s not yet spring. Neurotic, perhaps, but there is still lots to do. Here’s our guide to making the most of the month.
Plant some seeds indoors (vegetables or herbs work well) in preparation for spring planting.
Why? It’s nice to watch something live and grow while everything outside looks a bit bleak. The real fun will happen when you transplant your new friend outside and watch it flourish and bear fruit (or vegetables).

To the Bat Cave at the ROM.
Why? Because March is Bat Month at the museum and the new improved Bat Cave is bigger, better and scarier than ever—it’s all the rage with the under 10’s.

A really good doormat like this one or this one.
Why? Because March is the worst month for trekking dirt and mud through the house. A good mat can help save your floors (and your sanity).

The Tray Memory Game.
Why? It’s genius in its simplicity, fun and cheap. It might even help your kids develop their minds (back to the genius part).

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