School of Mom

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Your kids are amazing. They learn so quickly. They adapt to new situations. They grow in new ways every day. You couldn’t be more proud.
But parents should remember to look in the mirror. Stop for a minute and think about how much you have learned since you first decided to bring a baby into your life. Be proud of you, too! You’ve probably gained more wisdom than you ever did in a classroom.

But, if you ever feel like you need a refresher course or want to go for your advanced degree in parenting skills, there’s an institution of higher learning just for you. Becoming Maternity (a family fave in North Toronto since 2006) has just opened its second location in Thornhill.

Both locations offer great programs for kids of all ages (Reading Rocks and Claymation both caught our eye), but we think it’s the parenting classes that really make this place a gem. They have seen every kid-related dilemma imaginable and have created classes for them all!

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