Fresh From the Farm

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Market Research: An organized effort to gather information.
Today we’re bringing you information about actual markets (farmers’ markets, that is) which brings a whole new meaning to the term. Here’s a list of our top picks for farmers’ markets in and around the GTA.

You might already know that we love the St. Lawrence Market, delve into Dufferin Grove’s offerings and rally around Riverdale’s local market fare. We get a kick out of Kensington, but we also have a few more fun options to add to your market list.

Markets by the Bluffs
If you’re anywhere near the Beaches, then you’ll want to check out the BirchCliff Village Farmers’ Market and the Guildwood Village Farmers’ Market (and you might want to check them out even if you’re not that close to the beaches). They are summer markets that follow the mandate “homemade, handmade, earthmade” and are very community-focused in nature. Alongside fresh produce, meats, cheeses and fresh baked goods, there are ready-made meals to enjoy. You’ll find some beautifully handcrafted goods such as Métis art, pottery, jewellery, natural soaps and more. We aren’t bluffin’—these two markets are worth a visit.
(Guildwood Village Farmers’ Market is open Thursdays from 2–6:30 pm and BirchCliff Village Farmers’ Market is open Fridays from 3–7 pm)

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