Fantastic Female Foodies

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Toronto has an abundance of fantastic female foodies—women who know how to entertain with flair and finesse. Unsurprisingly, most of these women have collaborated with family members to produce some of our fave cookbooks. Because any foodie knows that when you cook and eat with family you feed the soul as much as the stomach. Here are three of our faves:
Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook
Julie Albert & Lisa Gnat
Blatantly irreverent and slightly saucy, Bite Me is the newest cookbook on our list. We love that these two sisters (and very savvy moms) have created a cookbook that is full of great food and goofy fun, but free of anything overly fussy. You’ll laugh almost as much as you cook.

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