A Cat for All Seasons

Family Painting Classes

By now, you are probably aware that life with kids highlights the difference between the haves and have-nots.

They (our offspring) have all the time in the world to enjoy various extracurricular activities. We (their parents) have no time for such pursuits, because we’re kept so busy chauffeuring them to theirs. While we encourage expanding their minds and horizons, we want the time devoted to doing so to be well spent. (And if we happen to get a bit of a break in the process, so much the better.)

Our wish has come true with these two new, creative Toronto businesses that deliver experiences with something for everyone involved.

Both kids and parents can enjoy their own pursuits separately, but together, at the soon-to-be-opened Seasons Family Centre in the Bathurst and Davenport area. Started by an art therapist and a teacher, it’s no surprise that there’s something for everyone, with classes for babies as young as four months-old, all the way up to adults. There’s even a college prep course for older teens where they can learn about cooking on their own, doing laundry and handling finances.

The centre offers three spaces: an art studio, a kitchen, and an interactive play/yoga and Pilates area. So while your pre-schooler is taking a hip-hop class, and your school-ager is learning how to make miniature houses, you can be honing your skills in a photography course. We’d love this concept in any season.

For more art class options, consider Toronto’s recently opened 4Cats Arts Studio. With over 30 locations across North America, it goes to prove that when you create the right formula with kids, you’ll go places.

The city’s first location, on Avenue Road, offers age-appropriate art classes for kids (and adults), including their successful Artist of the Month classes which run for up to seven weeks. These fun and focused sessions immerse and educate participants in the life and style of the masters, including Van Gogh and Warhol. Along with classes in clay and sculpting, drawing, and mixed media, 4 Cats Art Studio also offers workshops, camps and birthday parties throughout the year.

What’s our favourite offering next to the Star Force classes (think out-of-this-world heroes from a galaxy far, far away)? That’s easy—the back-of-the-class splatter room. It’s a dream-come-true birthday party option for kids who love to create without boundaries and make a complete mess while they’re at it. Better here than in your living room. (Trust us.)

Whether you have had a chance to think about fall programs for the family or not, now’s a great time to get creative.

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