Zest for Life: Total Cleanse’s New Juices for Kids


We had excellent intentions of using our shiny new juicer. But the weeks wore on and it sat safely ensconced in its box, while the only juice to be seen came from the occasional liquefying bunch of kale forgotten in the fridge. Now we’re throwing out feelings of inadequacy (along with that kale—ew) because Total Cleanse has brought us a line of kid-friendly mini juices—called TC Mini—delivered right to our doorstep.

See, try as we might, it’s been hard for our kids to kick the juice habit. But with all-natural ingredients in these cold-pressed juices, like beet in the ‘grape’ juice and carrot balanced with orange, why would we want them to? The juices are artfully blended so they taste great, and we feel better knowing that the kiddos are hydrated and nourished.

The Sunday night drop-off in cooler bags is pretty darn convenient, too.

We’d be hard-pressed to go back to our old non-juice ways.

If you’re trying to up the health and wellness factor around your house, we’ve got 6 more Healthy Food Solutions in Toronto to help.


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