Toronto: The Savvy Guide to March 2015

SavvyMom January 26, 2017

We made it! Well, almost. It’s time to get ready for spring—even if (for now) we do it from the warmth and comfort of home.

Get ready to turn the clocks forward by having a family slumber party
Why? Because we don’t want to be late for brunch or hockey practice, right? We know that nothing can make the unhappy occasion of a ‘lost’ hour of sleep much better for already sleep-starved parents. But when March 7 rolls around, try getting them into their PJs early. Then dim the lights, eat your dinner in your slippers and robes, and watch a classic family movie. Just be sure to start the whole production an hour ahead of schedule.

To the World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre on Sunday, March 15 at Hammerson Hall
Why? Beause Gregory Popovich and his cast—jugglers and clowns, plus 15 house cats, 10 dogs, 4 geese, 8 white doves, and 2 parrots—make for an extraordinary blend of hilarious family fun.

Seeds for your garden (for real)
Why? Because scheming about what to plant together this year is a great way to pass a chilly weekend afternoon and remind everyone that spring will come. Even better? Gardening together will teach your kids about sustainable food production. Whether you’ve got a backyard plot or just a container or two, we think you’ll love the Canadian ethical seed company Cubits Organics. Peruse their Etsy shop together to find wacky-looking heirloom tomatoes, purple carrots and more.

Spring Treasure Hunt
Why? Because a walk through the woods in search of feathers, moss, cones, animal tracks and other signs of nature will do us all a world of good the first weekend when the weather turns a little warmer. Just don’t forget the wellies—yours, and theirs!

A Year of Intentional Parenting by Julie Freedman-Smith and Gail Bell
Why? Because the Savvy Experts behind Parenting Power have pulled together 52 practical tips to help parents improve communication with their kids. Their advice is so straightforward and non-judgmental that we just know you’ll find it worth the read. Plus, chapters for March include some wisdom for a successful spring break, such as one entitled ‘Realistic tips for a week of togetherness.’

By buying a refurbished appliance instead of a new one
Why? The savings are up to 50%, so it’s better for the environment and your wallet. At Savvy HQ, we’re obsessed with our Dyson vacuums, especially since we discovered that we can buy gently-used, refurbished models through the Dyson website around half-price. Our handheld model with removable long-reach wand seems even better because we know we’ve saved a perfectly good spill-cleaning machine from the landfill.

Why? We’ve been hearing a lot about the maker movement, and Make: magazine is at the centre of it all. Take your little wannabe inventors on a tour of this online mecca for DIYers and peruse weekend projects like the coffee cup spy cam and pedal-powered phone charger.

Bloor Street Culture Corridor
Why? There’s so much to do in Toronto it’s nearly impossible to keep track of it all. This app makes it easy to get the kids out to enjoy our city’s amazing cultural events—perfect for your March Break staycation.

Healthy breakfast granola
Why? Because the store-bought brands you love may have far more sugar and fat than you imagined. Plus this great recipe from our sister site is delicious and easy to prepare.

Children, teens, adults and families stay healthy and active by getting involved with the YMCA Megathon March 1–7
Why? Because this fun-filled week of fitness challenges and activities gets you and your family moving together and raises money for other families to do the same. We love that there’s a fundraising event for everyone—from a swimming toonie drive to a dance-a-thon—and that events take place all over the GTA.


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