Eats and Beats in the Streets

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Toronto Family Festivals in Your Community

The summer is more of a sprint than a marathon. With so many great kid-friendly festivals happening, it can be hard to find the good ones, especially those slightly outside our usual haunts. We’ve selected some of our favourites—a mix of oldies-but-goodies and some new loves—for you to experience this fine summer.

We love this idea: the 100 in 1 Day festival consists of citizen-proposed and led ‘interventions’ meant to make the city a better place. Cool ideas include planting a community garden in a canoe and beautifying a school’s chain link fence.

The Kids Zone alone at the Redpath Waterfront Festival is an amazing place with voyageur canoe rides, a huge inflatable beaver (for amazing photo ops), and a pirate ship bouncy castle. Let’s just say that this festival could run all summer long and we still wouldn’t run out of things to do.

For summertime fun in the city, keep clicking through our picks of 9 Family Festivals in Your Community.

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