Bulk Up

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Some kinds of bulk we could do without (thighs, we’€™re talking to you).
Bulk stores on the other hand are a baker’€™s, budgeter’€™s, or birthday-party-planner’€™s best friend. Here are our top spots to bulk up in TO.

Better Bulk on the Danforth isn’€™t just a name, it’€™s an apt description. Unlike some dry-goods grocers who offer a layer of dust with their selections, Better Bulk’€™s clean, organized store carries organic, wheat- and gluten-free products, among other categories that go beyond typical bulk fare. With a commitment to eco-consciousness and whole foods, you may lose some of your own (extra) bulk, by regularly shopping and cooking with theirs.

Not surprisingly, the Annex’€™s Karma Co-op is flourishing, thanks to the boomerang effect of all the goodness they output. A non-profit food cooperative owned and operated by its members, Karma offers a wide range of fresh and dried, local and organic produce, bulk products and household items. There are membership requirements to join, but unlike that gym membership, you’€™ll actually use this one.

Kensington Market shops are a field day for foodies, and one of the city’€™s best spots for bulk (and health) food is Tutti Frutti. A trip to Kensington Market is an experience in itself. Just be sure to come home with some healthy cereals, spices, soup, nuts, beans, or candy from Tutti Frutti.

The Nuthouse is one bulk food store that’€™s not all it’€™s cracked up to be. It’€™s even better. This new(ish) Bloor West spot sells all kinds of nut varieties (look for the giant walnut above the storefront), but they also offer a wide range of quality, healthy, edible goods and sweets like organic candies, too. You may refer to your own home with the same name, but this actually is the city’€™s official nuthouse.

Bare cupboards can happen to the best of us. Bulk up, and you’€™ll be set for whatever comes your way. Tested by Alison R., Toronto

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