Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages

Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages

We’re coming to the end of an era in our family—when magical creatures leaving gifts and treasures aren’t as mysterious as they used to be. In other words, my kids are on to us and well aware the grown-ups are doing the behind-the-scenes work on special holidays.

But being in the know doesn’t mean they are any less excited about keeping up traditions when it comes to our family celebrations. Now that they’re older, we decided to make our annual Easter egg hunt more challenging by turning it into a scavenger hunt. Last Easter, instead of my kids and their cousins running in every direction in search of eggs, my sister-in-law left creative clues at different outdoor locations. It was a huge hit and became our new family tradition going forward.

This year, we’re adding the iconic Lindt Gold Bunny that have been symbolic of Easter for the past 65 years to our scavenger hunt. Traditionally, our family leaves a golden bunny on everyone’s plate at the meal. But the gorgeous ribbons and delicate bells will add an element of charm to the adventure (they are such photogenic bunnies), plus the quality of the Lindt chocolate makes the extra work that comes with solving clues well worth it!

Here are some tips for pulling off the perfect scavenger hunt:

  • Build up excitement for the scavenger hunt ahead of time by building and/or decorating hutches for the bunnies. Either use a basket you already have or create a new home for the bunnies with materials found around the house. Even tweens and teens enjoy a chance to show off their individual personalities.

    Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages + A Giveaway
  • Do your research and have some fun with the clues. There are so many great ideas to be found online and you can add a personal twist to them by creating clues that tap into your kids’ interests (like dance for my daughters or music for my son).Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages + A Giveaway
  • Take careful notes on where you’ve hidden the bunnies. You don’t want any of the kids coming up short on chocolate because they couldn’t solve a clue.
  • Get your numbers sorted out, too. Make sure the kids know how many bunnies they are each supposed to find before they begin the hunt. They may be older, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less likely to be competitive with each other.Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages + A Giveaway
  • If you do want to add a competitive element to the hunt, you can have a prize for the person who finishes first (Lindt has a 1kg Gold Bunny!). You’ll know best whether that will work well for your family dynamic.Tips for a Fun Easter Scavenger Hunt for All Ages + A Giveaway
  • If you have kids who are just starting to read or need a little extra help, take close-up photos of the bunnies in their hiding places that help to hint at where they can be found. Add some written words to the photo to help turn it into a learning experience.

We’re looking forward to Easter, because like the other big holidays, it brings all of us together and reminds us how important it is to spend time just being a family. We’ve been listening to The Bell That Rang In Easter story by award-winning Canadian author, Ashley Spires, on the Lindt Easter app (you can download it for free on iTunes and Google Play) about kindness and giving, and it’s making us even more excited about finding those golden bunnies on Easter morning.

My kids are older and wiser now, but they still take great comfort in rituals and traditions that keep them connected to their childhoods. And being part of the planning process keeps me connected to those magical memories, too.



This post was brought to you by Lindt Canada but the images and opinions are our own.


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