Tips For Transitioning Your Kids’ Rooms This Year

Kayla Young January 25, 2021
tips for transitioning your child's room

One of my favourite parts of preparing our family for the arrival of each of our babies was designing their rooms. I know a lot of parents will agree that creating a space for our kids to come home to and grow up in is a totally different experience than the design of other spaces in our homes. There are so many things to consider when setting up our kids’ rooms, including personality, storage, functionality and safety. Of course, the rooms our kids spend time in as babies meet a different set of needs than one a teenager will use, but making the transition to a bigger-kid room, and getting them involved in the process as they grow, can be just as much fun as it was the first time around.

We’ve got a few helpful tips to share if you’re looking to upgrade your kids’ rooms this year.

Consider The Furniture


When we started setting up our firstborn’s room, we quickly realized that changing out the furnishings as he grew was going to get super pricey. To save some money in the long run, we wanted to find furniture that was versatile enough for him to use for more than a couple of years. It turns out, many companies have caught onto this idea and have started making convertible furniture that grows with your kids. If you’re still in the crib-buying phase of life, Storkcraft has a really cool crib that not only converts from a crib into a toddler bed, but can also convert into a daybed, full-size bed, and a playhouse. They also have a fun and functional option for kids who are sharing a room now, but may not be in the future. Their Caribou and Long Horn bunk beds are both designed to separate into standalone twin beds if your kiddos ever graduate to their own rooms, or decide they’d prefer to sleep a little closer to the ground. Talk about getting serious bang for your buck!


If you’re considering purchasing a new dresser for your kids and you have the space, try to find one with as many drawers as you can – trust me. Dressers are a great spot to stick clothes, sure. But they’re also the perfect storage spot for everything from diapers and wipes to stuffed animals and nail polish (and just about everything in between). While you’re at it, it’s never too early to teach your kiddos some organizational life skills. Stick some drawer organizers in their dresser and teach them how to sort their socks; if you’re lucky, it might cut down on half-pairs in the laundry!


With so many kids learning from home these days, having a desk or table of their own is a great idea to consider for a room transition. It doesn’t have to be huge, but a designated space for your kiddo to go to each day when it’s time to get to work might help them get into productivity mode quicker than trying to clear a space at the kitchen table – especially if that’s where you’re trying to get your own work done. Get their desk set up with a comfy chair, some fun lighting, and tools to keep themselves organized. If you let them be involved in the process of creating and taking ownership over their desk space, they just might be more motivated to spend time there (I mean, we can dream, right?)

A Bulletin Board

This might seem a bit random, but hear me out. Kids love showing off their creations for everyone to see from the moment they can take crayon to paper. As they grow, displaying other important things, like pictures of friends and family, funny memes, phone numbers, homework reminders, medals and posters becomes even more important. Rather than having those things get stuck to the wall with tape, or *shudder* stuck in with a thumbtack, creating a designated spot to hang them sends the message that the things that are important to them are important to you, too.

Consider Their Storage Needs

Ikea Shelf Unit

My favourite thing about both of my kids’ closets is they have built-in shelving where they can store books and toys. If your kid’s room has a closet and you’re able to add shelving or storage in addition to their clothing racks, there’s a good chance you won’t have to see their toys and books strewn all over the floor (no guarantees, though). Storage bins and containers, like the ones you can find at Ikea are a game changer – especially if you have a spot to put them. We love the Kallax shelf unit – it’s cheap, sturdy, and is the perfect size for storage boxes to tuck away books, toys, clothes… you name it.

Change Up The Theme

There are lots of fun ways you can change up the theme in your kid’s room to fit their growing personality. Although you probably already know, ask them what they’re into these days before you decide how to start transforming their space. This is guaranteed to get them excited about the change, and might even motivate them to keep things looking tidy for a bit.

Deck the Walls

While it’s hard to find people who really love painting, it’s worth the work! A fresh coat of paint in a new colour can do a lot to change up the feel of a space. If your kid is okay with their current wall colour, why not check out some fun removable wall decals and wallpaper or hang up a statement tapestry? If you’ve got a teenager at home, it’s just about a guarantee that posters are beginning to creep up their walls; if your teen has some posters they’re crazy about, throw them in a frame to make the design look a bit more formal.

Change the Lighting

There are tons of fun light fixtures you can purchase to punch up the personality of a space. Whether your kid is looking to make their space a bit more magical with fairy lights, more retro with a lava lamp, or just plain cool with a neon wall sign, spots like Urban Outfitters have an endless supply of unique lighting options to add to your room transition.

Get Some New Bedding and Pillows

New bedding and throw pillows are one of the easiest ways to change the feel of a room, and there are tons of places to find them. We are over the moon for the bedding we found for our daughter at Simons.

Throw Down a Rug

A fun area rug is another way you can add an extra pop of colour or personality to a room. Ruggable has tons of cool designs, including Disney and Star Wars designs that are sophisticated enough that parents and kids both will love them. The best design feature of all of Ruggable’s rugs is that they are 100% machine washable. Sign me up.

Out With The Old

Your kids might hate this one. Honestly, you might, too but it’ll be worth it – promise. Take some time to go through your kid’s room (either with them or on your own, depending on their age) to decide what things don’t have a place there anymore. If your kids’ rooms are like mine, there are outgrown clothes hanging in the closet, mismatched socks in the drawers, and a whoooole lot of broken or unplayed with toys in the toy box. Decide what items can be sold, donated, or thrown out, and celebrate the new things coming. Change looks good and feels good!

Do you have plans to transition your kids’ rooms this year? Do you have any tips for making the process easier or better? Know any great places to find a bargain on awesome decor? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


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