12 Things To Make You Smile Right Now

SavvyMom March 24, 2020
things to make you smile

These days, we can hardly be faulted for believing there’s no good news anywhere. Aside from our families and those of us lucky to be in good health (and also maybe ALL THAT BREAD we’ve been baking lately), it can feel like there isn’t much to be happy about.

And if there is, how far and wide do we have to search for it?

Turns out not that far, and not that wide. To prove it, we challenged ourselves to spend ten minutes listing as many things as we could think of to be make us smile right now.

Here’s what we came up with:

1. These two cuties.

2. Mo Willems offering free drawing for your kids.

3. Italians singing to one another during lockdown.

4. Instagram accounts like @celestebarber, @mynameisjessamyn and @amyschumer reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously.

5. Whoever came up with this meme. (Thank you.)

6. Rosé.

7. Human connection.

My assisted living is on lockdown so he comes every day to see his dad and they talk through the phone, sweetest thing ever 💞 Consent was giving to post on social media.

Posted by Sandy Hamilton on Sunday, March 15, 2020


8. Penguins on a field trip. We repeat, penguins on a field trip.

9. This never gets old. Ever.

10. This kid’s iconic interview.

More about it here: Canadian boy gives iconic response to Disney park closure: ‘Took a long trip to get here’

11. Audible is offering free access to a library of audiobooks for kids.

The stories are free to stream on desktop, laptop, phone or tablet and will be as long as schools are closed.

12. This family reunion.

Jeffrey hadn’t seen his brother in 4 years and hadn’t seen his mom in 10 years. (Grab the kleenex now!)

See? The world isn’t such a bad place. And that only took us ten minutes. Take care of yourselves, guys.


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