Things to Do in Calgary this Winter with Kids January 20, 2022
Things to Do in Calgary this Winter - SavvyMom

You may be tempted to hibernate under a duvet in front of the TV for the rest of this winter, but chances are your kids’ energy levels won’t allow it. So we’ve compiled this list of fun things to do in Calgary this winter with kids, so there’s no excuse not to get out there and make the best of the rest of the season.

Better yet, relish in it! Calgary has some great places to skate, sled, ski, and play in the snow. Once everyone is all bundled up properly, spending time outdoors in winter can be a lot of fun. Bonus: afterwards, you’ve never deserved the hot cocoa more!

Here’s our master list of cold-weather activities to keep the kiddos busy this winter in Calgary.

Calgary Winter Fun in January - SavvyMom

5 Things to Do in Calgary This Winter with Kids

Go Tobogganing.

Think you can just slide down any old hill in Calgary? Think again. Sledding is serious stuff in Calgary, with bylaws cracking down on rogue riders. Fortunately there are several designated spots across the city that are considered official toboggan hills in Calgary. Here’s a look at a few of our favourites in each corner of the city.

Go Skating.

Even with temperatures dropping, skating at an outdoor rink is a fun-filled way to spend an afternoon. We’ve rounded up a list of some of our favourite spots for skating in Calgary and outside the city limits.

Go Hiking.

You don’t have to go far to experience wonderful winter hikes in Calgary and the beauty of nature in and around the city. With many urban parks throughout YYC, there’s no shortage of places to explore – even during the coldest months. If mountain views and frozen waterfalls are what you’re looking for, we are also lucky to have tons of incredible hikes to take just outside of the city, in Canmore, Banff, and Kananaskis. Check out Our Favourite Winter Hikes in Calgary and the Surrounding Areas

Go Skiing (or Snowboarding)

People fly in from all over the world to enjoy the mountains that we have at our doorsteps. So while the weather outside may be frightful, we’re signing our kids up for lessons at these fantastic ski resorts and Nordic facilities close to Calgary. Here’s what you need to know about each one.

Go Away.

If thoughts of more and more and more snowy days and colder temperatures are getting you down, we’ve got good news! There are fantastic getaway options for any time of year, but winter is one heck of a magical time to explore all of the beauty Alberta has to offer. And many great destinations are perfect for Alberta winter family getaways that are just a short drive from Calgary.

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