The Mini Chef Tradition

SavvyMom April 12, 2016

We’ve got a new Sunday night tradition in our house and I am very excited about it. Each week one of my three kids is appointed the Executive Chef and is responsible to plan the menu, help me shop and help me prep and cook the meal for the rest of the family on Sunday. While the cooking is going on, the other two kids play board games with Daddy.
This new routine has come with many wonderful benefits (which is what I was hoping it would when I devised the tradition). First of all, and perhaps most importantly, it’s giving my kids a chance to be exposed to hands-on cooking and for me to be able to teach them some basics about the kitchen and getting meals on the table. Secondly, it’s giving them pride in what they choose for dinner and how the table is set and this ‘ownership’ means they’re interested in helping out more with getting meals on the table. And lastly, we’re all together at Sunday dinner prep time so I don’t feel like I am slaving away in the kitchen solo while everyone else is relaxing (to tell the truth, usually at this time they were all watching TV and that used to drive me crazy. No TV in the kitchen so no TV anymore.) And of course that one on one time with the chef of the week is wonderful too.

Do you have any cooking traditions in your family?

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