The Great Savvy Bake-Off Recipe #5


When I found out we were having the SavvyMom HQ bake-off, I immediately thought of a holiday treat my mom used to make when I was growing up. Her recipe for Confetti Bars is quick and super easy—both important criteria for the mom of 17 month-old twins. This recipe is all about peanut butter, so those with allergies, take note. It’s also a no-bake recipe (yet somehow still qualified for the bake-off), that would be lots of fun to make with kids—they could easily help measure and mix the ingredients. The cookie tasters at HQ said: “It’s the perfect church or bake sale cookie!” Enjoy!
Confetti Bars

Makes 20

You’ll Need

  • ½ cup butter
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 2 packages butterscotch chips
  • 1 cup desiccated coconut
  • 3 cups mini marshmallows

Prep and Cook

  • In the microwave, melt the butter, peanut butter and butterscotch chips.
  • Let mixture cool, then add coconut and mini marshmallows and stir.
  • Pour mixture into an 8×12 pan lined with waxed paper and chill for an hour.
  • Cut into squares to serve.

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