The SavvyMom Holiday Potluck Lunch

Jan Scott April 12, 2016

Earlier this week, the SavvyMom staff held their annual holiday potluck lunch. This was my first year in attendance, and what a treat it was to sample the fabulous fare these ladies put together.
The food was divided into several categories (appetizers, grain salad, desserts) and we all signed up for the dish we wanted to provide. Jill made a fragrant and spicy quinoa salad and Minnow provided a platter of elegant sandwiches. Sarah put together a beautiful arrangement of cheeses, including one that was rubbed with a touch of ground coffee. Christin provided a creamy mushroom quiche and Angela brought some lovely green salads to the table. So did Denise, who assembled one with ruby red beets and tangy goat cheese. I brought a simple hors d’€™oeuvres comprised of endive, red pear, pecans and cheese, as well as Asian meatballs served with a sweet soy dipping sauce. Leslie and Maggie provided plentiful desserts like chocolate chip cookies and creamy cheesecake. Holly brought the drinks and sadly, Robyn, was absent (with that seasonal flu). She was slated to bring some pad Thai, which I hope I’€™ll have the chance to sample one day.

I am a big fan of the potluck gathering. It’€™s a brilliant way to assemble a delectable feast while keeping the budget in check. Not to mention, it’€™s much easier to make one great dish than it is to make an entire spread. Easy and inexpensive are essential ingredients to holiday entertaining, don’€™t you think?

Do you like to host and attend potlucks? What is your favourite dish to make for these types of gatherings?

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