Calgary: The Savvy Guide to January

The party is officially over. It’s back to our regular(ish) routines now (and a New Year’s resolution or two). Our Savvy Guide to January in Calgary is a little list of ideas to help you get the most out of this wintry month.
The Savvy Guide to January in Calgary
Head out and about in the city you call home.
Why? It’s a new year with lots going on. Here’s a roundup of fun things to do in Calgary in January.
Organized with a simple decluttering schedule.
Why? Attacking one room for just 30 minutes a week for the next few months will let you welcome spring without having to do a massive spring clean (a clutter-free house takes 40% less time to clean anyway).
Why? Because its fun for all ages and it suits all budgets. Just remember to wear a helmet. Here are the best tobogganing hills in Calgary.
Pie Tag in the snow.
Find an area of unmarked snow and shuffle your feet through the snow to create a circle (the ‘pie’) about 20 feet in diameter (or smaller, depending on the age of the children). Divide the circle into fourths (the pie pieces). Choose someone to be ‘it’. ‘It’ chases the other players around the pie and on the dividing paths. The players must stay within the narrow paths. If someone falls outside the paths onto the unblemished snow or outside the pie, they become it. If someone gets pushed outside the pie, the pusher becomes ‘it’. The center of the pie can be established as ‘home.’
Why? Because it’s fresh air and seriously good exercise all wrapped up in fun.
Be fair to yourself when you make resolutions
Why? Because you’re doing a pretty good job already and you don’t need to add a lot more to your plate right now. Get the family on board with resolutions for everyone to improve 2023.
With your kids
Why? Because later this month (January 27) is Family Literacy Day and we’re celebrating it all month. Check out these books to encourage a love of reading.
Streaming in January for Kids & Families
Why? Well, we all have those big ambitions for reading and playing outside… AND we always need a little downtime on the couch. Check out what’s streaming in January for kids and families for a little family time or a little TV-as-babysitter time.