The List: Goodbye Guilt, Hello Art Savers

SavvyMom June 10, 2016

No more worrying about Junior finding his latest work of art in the recycling bin. We have 13 Wonderful Ways to Preserve Their Artwork forever.

Lil Davinci Art Frames
Proudly maintain your own in-house revolving art gallery of the kids’€™ artwork with one of these cabinets that give you framing and storing capabilities for up to 50 pieces of creativity’€”at one time. Genius. (Starting at $59.95, Tell me more)

A more personalized version of an online kids’€™ art gallery, ShareMyKidsArt allows you to compile images in any category you like (Jacob’€™s Preschool Artwork, Sarah’€™s Rainy Day Masterpieces, etc.) then share them, via a user name and login, with the people you/they love. Bonus: the images are kept safe from fading or being thrown out with the recycling (accidentally, of course). (Starting at $2.95, Tell me more)

Star Art Cable
Stored but not forgotten. The sky’€™s the limit when it comes to what kids can create, so celebrate all that inspiration and industriousness with a hanging cable system that easily allows for displaying, as well as switching up their works of art. ($50.22, Tell me more)

They’ll still feel special about their artistic accomplishments, and you can keep your mom of the year badge with our 13 Wonderful Ways to Preserve Their Artwork‘€”click away!

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