41 Things SavvyMoms Don’t Leave Home Without

SavvyMom April 26, 2016
SavvyMom Purse Essentials

Some women are all about the ‘€˜it bag.’ At Savvy HQ, we’€™re more about the ‘€˜it’€™ that’€™s inside the bag. Because we think what’€™s on the inside tells us more about a woman than what’€™s on the outside (of the bag).

If you’€™re interested in learning more about the women who bring you SavvyMom.ca, read on to see what they carry in their purses all day long. Here’€™s our editors’ list of Things SavvyMoms Don’€™t Leave Home Without – €”from the insiders at SavvyMom.

Starbucks Gold Rewards Card and Starbucks App
Sarah Morgenstern, Publisher
Why she likes it: “I would have to nominate my Starbucks Gold Rewards card and related iPhone app as something indispensable that I carry around all the time. It’€™s auto set to reload via my PayPal account, allows me to track my reward stars for free coffees and I can run out of the office to pick up a latte with just my phone in hand; don’t even need to bring my wallet!” (Free)

Maldon Sea Salt
Jan Scott, Food Editor
Why she likes it: ‘€œI LOVE it and couldn’€™t cook without it. And while I’€™m totally embarrassed to admit this, I do carry it in my purse. I usually have some in my bag, plus the big box in my kitchen.’€ ($10.99)

EO Hand Sanitizer
Minnow Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief
Why she likes it: ‘€œI have this on hand not because I’€™m a germ freak, but because I have two boys who are not afraid of getting dirty and staying dirty.’€ ($4.49)

Now it’s your chance to be the editor – leave a comment (you can even include a picture or a video) on the gallery and tell us what’s in your bag that you don’t leave home without and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $230 prize package.

Want to know what else can be found in our editors’ bags? Check out the rest of our Things SavvyMoms Don’€™t Leave Home Without.

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