The Least Worst Spring Cleaning Guide

SavvyMom November 28, 2016


Spring cleaning isn’t all window washing and pulling out the patio furniture (if only that was all…). No, it’s time to tackle the clutter, nip hoarding in the bud, and give our winter abodes a quick spring makeover. Think clean, light, fresh and fun. Welcome spring!

All Aboard the Toothbrush Train  
This nifty station keeps the paste close to the toothbrushes—novel concept, we know. Plus, the toothbrushes are stored with the bristles up, so there’s less chance of spreading germs. Bye-bye runaway toothbrushes. (Ready for Spring!)


These affordable wonder sponge cloths are great at streak-free cleaning, plus they’re machine-washable and can be composted at the end of their lives. And they come in cool designs to boot. (Ready for Spring!)


Sporty Storage
For the garage, or even the bedroom (if they want to keep their athletic gear under careful watch), this catch-all will save us from tripping over cleats or stumbling over runaway soccer balls. A place for everything, and everything in its place. (Ready for Spring!)

We’re so ready to pack up the winter gear and clear out winter’s clutter. Here’s how to do it in style with our 23 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring.



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