The Easiest Halloween Decoration You Can Make


The October ‘€˜holidays’€™’€”Thanksgiving and Halloween’€”are definitely the ones my family is most excited about, and while we love Christmas, this month’€™s festive events are just as fun, minus the added stress of perfect presents and too much gift wrapping.
The week after Thanksgiving’€”so right about now’€”is when we really get into Halloween decorating, and most of it is homemade and easy to put together. The decoration I’€™m sharing today is ridiculously simple and requires nothing more than thick black paper, a white pencil crayon and some double-sided tape. It also happens to be the perfect addition to any bash you might be planning or a not-too-scary way to spook up a classroom, and makes a huge impact at the front entrance of your house for Halloween night when the kids are travelling door to door.

Here’€™s how to make the easiest Halloween decoration ever:

  1. Find a bat template online and print the one you like onto a piece of cardstock or thick paper.
  2. Cut out the shape using a craft knife or sharp scissors.
  3. Trace the bat onto thick black paper (I like to use Bristol board) as many times as you like.
  4. Cut the bats from the paper. Draw faces on them using a white pencil crayon or silver marker.
  5. Affix to walls and doors using double-sided tape.

I’€™ve been using the bats in the above photo for 4 years. To store them, I carefully remove the tape from the back of the bats (use a good tape that won’€™t tear the paper) and press them into a tissue-paper lined box. They hold up well, are almost as good as new and I’€™ll be using the same ones again this year.

Do you have a favourite Halloween decoration? How does your family get into the Halloween spirit?

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