Show Us Your Christmas: the SavvyMom December Photo-a-Day Challenge

Last December, I was fortunate enough to participate in a photo-a-day challenge on Instagram. A group I’m involved in (the Food Bloggers of Canada) organized the activity and provided us with a list of daily prompts, which were used to inspire me and the other participants to take the time to capture a seasonally related photo each day. Some of the words they selected’holiday cheer, peppermint, star, and wreath’served as great reminders to include some of the smaller, less obvious aspects of the holidays in our pictures, and because we all used the same hashtag on our images I was able to see how my friends were celebrating their own winter holidays.
This year, we’d love to invite you to take part in our December photo-a-day challenge. The rules are very simple: follow the daily prompt words above to create a simple digital photo taken with your phone or tablet, then share it on Instagram and tag your pictures with #SMphotoaday so that we can keep up with what our readers are making, baking, eating, and celebrating through the month of December.
If you’d like to follow along with us, we are @savvymomdotca and my personal account is @jannisescott1. Also, if you think you’d like to participate please leave your Instagram name in the comments below so we can be sure to follow you as well.
A side note: don’t worry if you can’t upload a photo every day. Feel free to join in the fun whenever if it suits your schedule. Also, if you are not on the social media picture-sharing site, you can still use this list of words as a holiday photo checklist to make sure you capture some of those small, significant moments during the Christmas season!
Have fun! We can’t wait to see what you get up to this month.
P.S. In order to remember what the prompts were for each day I took a screen shot of the list of words and kept in on my phone’s camera roll so I could easily refer back if I forgot what the words were.
You can also see a higher resolution version of the word prompts here.