Superfoods We Love: Walnuts

Superfoods We Love: Walnuts

Often referred to as the ‘king’ of all nuts, the mighty walnut is not only delicious, but it packs a serious nutritional punch. From fighting both prostate and breast cancer, to improving brain function and helping control your weight, we’re sharing the many reasons we are crushing on walnuts right now.

So What’s So Great About Walnuts?

We’re always searching for the next great superfood (that’s going to help boost our body, mind and spirit) and, with walnuts, we have certainly found a contender. Rich in antioxidants and boasting super-high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are a powerhorse of a nut. In fact, their levels of omega-3’s rival those of salmon and other fish. Antioxidants fight many diseases and keep our bodies strong, healthy and happy, while omega-3’s support heart health by lowering cholesterol. And that’s not all. Walnuts have been shown to improve brain health, boost mood, increase circulation to the skin (and you know you want that glowing skin) and help us to control our weight. So really the question becomes, what’s not to love about them?

→ Love learning about superfoods and how to incorporate them into your diet? Check out How to Add More Superfoods to Your Family’s Diet

Our Favourite Ways to Eat Walnuts

Walnuts are so amazingly versatile so they can pretty much be added to our sprinkled on anything. Our suggestions? Sprinkle them over your salads, add them to your morning oatmeal, toss them into homemade granola bars, crumble over your pasta or soup for a bit of added crunch, toss them into your homemade granola and finally, add them to any cookies, cakes or pastry recipes that you like.

Like most other nuts, walnuts are even better toasted. To give walnuts a light toast, spread them in an even layer on a large rimmed baking sheet. Bake in a 350 F oven, tossing occassionally for 8 to 10 minutes, or until fragrant and toasted. Alternatively, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add walnuts, and toss with a spatula for 5 to 6 minutes, until fragrant ad toasted. Let cool and place in an airtight container.

Tip: Nuts are best when kept cold so store in your fridge or freeze for optimum freshness.

6 Reasons to Eat More Walnuts:

1. Walnuts have cancer-fighting properties…

Walnuts have been proven to diminish the risk of both prostate and breast cancer.

2. Walnuts boost heart health…

Eating just a handful of walnuts a day has been shown to raise blood levels of heart-healthy ALA,3 and walnut consumption supports healthful cholesterol levels. Also, eating just one ounce of walnuts a day may decrease cardiovascular risk.

3. Walnuts are packed with antioxidants…

Studies show that walnuts have more polyphenol antioxidants than any other nut. Enough said.

4. Walnuts control your weight…

Due to increased satiety, adding a small handful of nuts to your diet can help you control your weight over time and weight fluctuations.

5. Walnuts improve brain function…

Walnuts are rich in Vitamin E, Folate, Melatonin, omega-3 fats and antioxidants and these are all proven brain health supporters.

6. Walnuts help reduce risk of diabetes

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in walnuts help with insulin sensitivity and therefore help protect against Diabetes.

→ Check out our recipe for Four-Nut Granola here!

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