A Summer Camp that Magically Teaches Your Kid to Ride a Bike in a Week

Pedalheads Summer Camp Teaches Kids to Ride a Bike - SavvyMom

Way back when Pedalheads reached out and asked us if we wanted to partner with them, I was all for it because I already knew of them and I think their summer camps for kids are brilliant. Not only do they get your kids outside and tire them out with some good old-fashioned exercise, but, more importantly – they’re a bunch of bike geniuses who somehow manage to get your kids to ride bikes like experts. Is your back still sore from teaching your kid to ride a bike? Mine is.

How do the folks at Pedalheads do it? I think that’s their secret! But here’s a little bit more about them.

Who Pedalheads Are & What They Do

Pedalheads is made up of a team of instructors who work with your kids in small groups to teach them how to ride their bikes. They’ve got eight levels of programs designed for kids from as young as two to around 12-years old. Each level includes teaching in safety knowledge, safety skills, trail riding, street riding, and bike maintenance. Amazing, right?

Level one is for your little weebles still using training wheels. For whatever reason, my kids don’t trust me – the woman who birthed them – to hold onto their seat and run down the street behind them when they’re learning to ride without training wheels. But put them in a summer camp where they listen to someone else all day and they’re riding free by end of week. It’s seriously magic.

They’ve also got two intro programs for 3-year olds, called Trikes ‘n’ Trainers and Balance Bikers, and a parent and toddler program called Riding Rookies.

But by level eight, you can expect your kids to be mountain biking, street riding and balancing over technical ramps and jumps. Kind of sounds like kid-heaven.

Safety, Safety, Safety

One of the things I love the most is that they’re all about safety at Pedalheads. It’s not just about learning skills to actually ride the bike, it’s also learning the importance of having your helmet checked and having the right helmet fit, knowing the proper hand signs for street riding and lots of other important safety info that comes with bike riding.

Half Day & Full Day Summer Camps

Pedalheads offers both types of week-long summer camps and, if it works for your schedule, I think the half day summer camps are amazing for the little ones. They get to do all the bike-riding stuff, but also play games, have snack breaks, and have fun outside. For full-day campers, they get the benefit of both a morning and an afternoon Pedalheads class, plus games, crafts, and lunch and snack breaks.

So, if your kid’s outgrown the bike carrier and needs a little help mastering the art of riding without training wheels, could use some practice, or just loves bike riding, this could be the day camp for you this summer! You can find them in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Washington, Colorado and Illinois. You’ll be all set for a trek on the best family bike trails in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, and Vancouver.

Thanks to Pedalheads for partnering with us on this post!

This was created in partnership with Pedalheads, but all the opinions are our own. We don’t tell you about products and services we don’t believe in. Parenting is hard enough as it is – no need to wade through extra info we don’t stand by!

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