Star Trek: The Star Fleet Academy Experience

star trek experience ottawaj

Beam up to this exhibit at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum while it lasts. Star Trek: The Star Fleet Academy Experience has teleported to the Museum and is on now until September 5. You and the fam will be able to experience Star Trek like you never have before—with hands-on stations and activities for young and young-at-heart Trekkies.

Enroll at the Star Fleet Academy (for a day) and find out if you have what it takes to be the next Captain, First Officer, Engineer or Doctor. You’ll hang out in the Med Bay, sit in the Captain’s chair, and more during your day as a recruit. There’s no better way to feel like you are a member of the crew.

The experience is perfect for Star Trek fans and those who just have an appreciation for space or science fiction. Your family will be able to check out the real science behind the franchise’s tech, and learn about new, non-fictional technology being developed.

Make a note of their extended evening hours and special Tuesday night admission prices (two guests can visit for the price of one from 4-9 pm), but be warned that tickets for the special Tuesday offer are only available at the Museum on a first come, first served basis.

Tickets for the Star Trek Experience are available online. The website has more details about the opening and closing hours, including the time the last guests can be admitted to the exhibit. (You’ll need about an hour to go through the whole thing).

The ticket price also includes free admission to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. This is exciting because they have a summer filled with special space events and demonstrations in the Museum itself. Science experiments, demos and storytelling will capture the attention of your future astronauts. Imaginations will fly at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum this summer!


Image via Chris Lackner for

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