Family Yoga at Calgary’s Soul Studio is Great For You and Your Little Yogis

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Instilling a love of exercise is something most of us, as parents, would like to do for our children.  Of course one of the best ways to do that is to lead by example, so why not model being active right along side them?

The Family Yoga class at Soul Studios is the perfect way to do just that. This class is a family-friendly, one-hour long, gentle yoga class that is suitable for all levels and ages. There is no age-minimum (the studio allows parents to use their discretion) however, they recommend that a child be able to follow simple instructions and stay relatively focused for one-hour’s time.

Be prepared to be led by a certified instructor and explore both standing and seated postures, breathing and relaxation techniques and if you are lucky, you might get to try some partnered poses – so fun!

Practicing yoga helps to build strength and flexibility, improve your immune system, and reduce stress. These are all benefits that any parent, or child for that matter, can benefit from.  On top of that, practicing in a family class gives you the added perk of bonding with your family members at the same time.

All you need to attend this class is comfortable clothing, a bottle of water and a yoga mat.  If you don’t have your own mat the studio has them available to rent for only $2.

Although the studio tries not to turn anyone away for this class, pre-registration is encouraged via their website. You can do that here:

The cost to attend this class is only $5 per person and it is recommend that new student to the studio arrive 15-20 minutes early for your first class.

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