Share the Love

SavvyMom January 12, 2017

Secretly we know that Valentine’s Day is a bit of a work project for moms. Cards for everyone in the class, cookies, chocolates and bright red artwork all over your kitchen. Apparently it’s the third biggest commercial holiday now, and we’re not surprised.
But we are good moms, and in the spirit of love, we submit.

After all, the world could do with a little more love.

So start by sharing the love at home this year on V-Day (and all year long) with the cooperative games from Family Pastimes. We don’t mean the “let’s play restaurant and set the table for mommy” kind of cooperative game (although that’s not a bad thing either).

Cooperative games are board games where the players actually work TOGETHER as a team—not against each other like enemies.

Nobody wins, nobody loses. The point of the game is usually to discover something or solve a problem, thus fostering principles of teamwork, participation and trust.

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