School Daze

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

“It’s just nursery school,” said the savvy grandma to the savvy mom. “Why are you agonizing over this decision?”

‘Just’ nursery school (or preschool or playschool), that may be, but after all it’s the first time little Jack or Jill is going to be away from the domestic nest all alone without you…and we know it can be a tough call.

We also know now’s the time to be making that decision, so we checked in with the Savvy Scouts to see how they had handled this important parenting moment—and very sage advice we received, indeed:

The Location (Location, Location) – kids are too young for long commutes (and moms don’t need the stress either), so look for a school close by. Makes organizing playdates easier too. (from Julia, Calgary)

Also check out the drop-off/pick-up routine. If you’re in a hard-to-park location, curb-side drop-off and pick-up is key. (from Alison, San Francisco)

The Volunteer Schedule – for some parents, participation in the school is something they’re keen on; for others, it’s the last thing they want. Figure out where you are on the parental involvement requirement scale (fundraising, helping in the classroom, and serving on the parents’ association are all areas where parents may be asked to get involved, and with parent co-op schools there may be more) and make sure there is a good match between the requirements and your desires. (from Heather, New York)

The Sunny Room – well, it doesn’t have to be sunny, but a bright, warm and welcoming physical environment definitely contributes to a happy experience. Look for outdoor space for gross motor skill development and a place to burn off some energy too. (from Andrea, Vancouver and Tori, London)

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