Savvy or Not So Savvy? LEGO for Girls


Recently, LEGO released a new product line called LEGO Friends geared directly at girls. A bit like LEGO meets Barbie, these pink-themed blocks centre around five girlfriends who each have their own unique space to create: a cafe, a veterinary clinic, a beauty shop, a convertible, and a flowery tree house. Other accessories follow the girls and match their personal interests. There are also online activities designed to let girls discover more about their new LEGO BFFs.
There’€™s been some debate in the office over this new development. Some of the SavvyMoms really like this new addition to the LEGO world’€”seeing as the present LEGO world is very male-centric, they feel that LEGO Friends will allow for the girls in their house (or those coming over to play) to get more excited about building. It has a reminiscent feeling of Barbie, Polly Pocket and other new product line extensions like Crayola’€™s Pop Art Pixies.

Others think that it’€™s trying too hard to really pigeonhole kids and it’€™s already received some criticism for this exact issue. Some SavvyMom HQ moms feel that girls, who understandably may not be excited about the challenge of the LEGO Millennium Falcon, are better off exploring products like Mattel Ello blocks. While geared towards girls and are as pretty and pink as the best of them, Ello blocks allow for more creative play with the freedom to just build whatever their imagination desires, rather than being restricted to building a salon or a tree house.

We’€™d like you to join in on our office debate. What do you think of the new LEGO Friends line?

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