Mom Panel: Reviews on Pampers From Moms Knee-Deep in Diapering

SavvyMom July 20, 2017
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There’s no denying that when you’re a parent, there’s a lot to know. From feeding to sleeping to strollers and other gear—it’s all so overwhelming. We’ve always found that the best way to get the best answers is to ask a fellow Mom. Forget Google—we all know that Mama knows best.

So when we teamed up with Pampers to get a panel of Moms to spread the word about Pampers Baby Dry, we were pretty thrilled for all the fellow parents out there. Not only are Pampers great (the little yellow line that turns blue to show you when your baby is wet is THE best invention for sleep-deprived parents everywhere), we also like the idea of hearing about something first-hand from Moms who are knee deep in diapering.

If you could use a little Mom-to-Mom advice too, here’s what some other parents had to say about these diapers.

Shannon Kelly, Managing Editor at Help! We’ve Got Kids

My 18-month-old has super-sensitive skin and is very prone to diaper rash, so I’m wary of trying new diapers. And she still nurses (a LOT!) before bedtime so her diaper is carrying a serious load every morning. The new Pampers Baby Dry diapers were so thin that I was skeptical—they’re probably half the thickness of our normal diapers—but… success! No leaks and her diaper rash was almost gone for the first time in days. I’m a fan.

Stacy Blair, blogger at 27th and Olive

As a parent, your day-to-day trends change drastically from the moment you hold on to your precious babe for the first time. From the moment they’re born, you’re always researching to find the best methods, the best products, and the best parenting advice out there. As a mom of (almost) 3, I can remember standing in the diaper aisle at the supermarket before the arrival of our first, staring at and feeling very confused about all the options. One of the first big parenting decisions is usually diapers. The first box I ever bought was Pampers and, 3 babies later, that decision has never wavered.

Our son, who is now 22 months old, is an active young man who plays hard during the day and crashes hard at night. Luckily for us, he has been an excellent sleeper from day one, so finding a diaper that can withstand long nights to not only provide him with the comfort and dryness he needs for a good night sleep, but also provide us with the same is key. Pampers Baby Dry diapers are enhanced with extra absorb channels to give you and your baby up to 12 hours of overnight protection (and a restful sleep)! They’re thinner, which allows for a more comfortable fit while the Pampers exclusive thick-to-thin technology distributes wetness evenly and locks it away so your babe is even drier than before… And friends, these diapers are so soft, they’re like your babe’s bottom! So they give your baby all-around comfort during those long active days and snuggly nights.

Melissa Yakaback, blogger at My Turquoise Home

Babies and diapers. The two go hand in hand and are an inevitable part of the baby and toddler years. You have to make the best of them and have the greatest diapers while you’re doing it. We love Pampers Baby Dry. They have a new look, but offer the same great protection that we have come to know and depend on. From the genius wetness indicator for those newborn days, to the super-soft feeling of cotton against skin, I know that my little guy will be feeling like a million bucks, 24/7.  Between crawling and standing, my one-year old is on the move and his diaper needs to keep up with him. The stretchy sides keep him going and the thinness of these diapers make them super comfortable for him to get around, all while keeping him dry and protected.  The diapers keep moisture away from his skin, allowing him to sleep all night long. A happy baby in the morning is a happy mommy too!

Lori Godin, blogger at Raising Edmonton

The ‘freshly opened Pampers diapers’ scent will forever bring me back to tiny baby feet, chunky thighs and a tiny person curled up in my arms. Pampers Baby Dry diapers are flexible, protecting babies from those clothes-ruining leaks from birth, and flexible for those first unsure steps. Now that Stella is eight months old and on the edge of being able to walk, we need that flexible fit. We need a diaper that’s going to keep her comfortable; a non-bulky fit that’s going to enable her to conquer one more piece of furniture, one more area of the house as she explores our home. Now that she’s sleeping through the night, the ultra-absorbent three-layer design helps to keep her comfortable. That twelve hours of overnight protection comes in handy because by child number three, we’ve learned that you never ever wake a sleeping baby. Better diapers mean better nights – and better nights mean better days.

There you have it! Real Moms and a bunch of super-cute photos of babies. Pretty awesome. What do you guys think of Pampers Baby Dry diapers?


Check out the Pampers site here for more info. New Pampers Baby Dry diapers are now available in size 5 and 6 – and sizes 1-4 will be available this fall.

Thanks to Pampers for partnering with us on this post!


This was created in partnership with Pampers, but all the opinions are our own. We don’t tell you about products and services we don’t believe in. Parenting is hard enough as it is – no need to wade through extra info we don’t stand by!

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