13 Reminders For When School Ends & Summer Begins

Reminders for When School Ends

Dear Kids,

Another school year is ending. And, once again, to say it’s been anticlimactic would be an understatement. No saying goodbye to friends or teachers, and no Fun Fair or Play Day to mark the end of the year.

But, the thing is, you did it.

You continued through the most unprecedented of circumstances and now you can put your books and pencils away for a few months. As school officially ends and summer starts, here are a few things I’d like you to remember:

  1. You did your best. Don’t worry about your grades.
  2. I tried my best, too. I think we can all agree I am NOT teacher material.
  3. Remember to read a little. Yes, it’s summer, but I still care about your brains.
  4. Your bed is not going to make itself. (And your mom isn’t going to make it, either).
  5. I don’t particularly want to listen to the history of spiders while I’m trying to work, but I will because I’m proud of your willingness to keep learning.
  6. I’m amazed at your resilience.
  7. Come home when the streetlights come on.
  8. Write your teacher a nice note. They deserve it after this year.
  9. Help yourself to another popsicle. You deserve it after this year.
  10. You can’t control what happens in September, but you can try to control how you look at the circumstances you’re given.
  11. Yes, you can stay up a bit later than usual.
  12. Please take a shower every now and again.
  13. I love you.

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